Heat Resistant Castings

EDCAST has over 18 years of experience in supplying a full range of ASTM-A297 Heat Resistant Grades including HC, HD, HF, HH, HI, HK, HL, HT HU, HW and HX for high temperature applications in the following industries:
- Iron Ore Pelletizing grates and sidewalls
- OSB/GTS Plant, including various grates for furnace applications
- Co-generation/Power Plant
- Aluminum Plant
- Cement Plant
We specialize in GTS/KMW furnace replacement parts and carry a complete line of GTS grates in our inventory. For details, please refer to our product list below.

Cooler Grate
for Cement Plants
for Cement Plants

Cooler Grate
for Cement Plants
for Cement Plants

Crust Breaker
for Aluminum Plants
for Aluminum Plants

Feed Chute Liner

Grate Bar

GTS GR-28,29,39 Grates

GTS GR-29 Grates

GTS GR-39 Grates

